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Mokafe - Coffee Beans Store


Abdulhakeem Jarma: From Qat to Coffee Transformation

Meet Abdulhakeem Jarma, an inspiring coffee producer hailing from the picturesque Jarma Village in the East-Haraz Area of Manakha, Sana'a, Yemen. Abdulhakeem's journey from being a former qat farmer to a dedicated coffee cultivator showcases his determination to create a better future for his family.

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About farmer

Driven by the desire to generate a sustainable income for his loved ones, Abdulhakeem embarked on a transformative journey. He recognized the potential of coffee farming and began repairing the soil to create a conducive environment for coffee cultivation. With unwavering dedication, he started planting coffee, and today, he tends to approximately 2,000 coffee trees. Inspired by his vision, Abdulhakeem plans to expand his plantation in the coming years.
Coffee has become Abdulhakeem's sole source of income, supporting him and his seven children in the village. He made the conscious decision to remove the qat trees, focusing solely on coffee. The transition not only brought financial stability but also enriched the soil and contributed to the growth of the Yemeni economy. Abdulhakeem's passion for coffee runs deep, and he removed his last qat plant three years ago, fully committing himself to the coffee trade.
Embracing the transformative power of coffee, Abdulhakeem finds comfort in knowing that he is contributing positively to the soil and the local economy. With every harvest, he experiences the joy of creating intense and distinct flavors that define his coffee. From the captivating aroma to the bold taste, Abdulhakeem's coffee reflects his enthusiasm and dedication to his craft.
Indulge in the exquisite flavors of Abdulhakeem Jarma's coffee—a testament to his resilience, commitment, and the positive impact of coffee farming on the soil and Yemen's economy. By supporting his endeavors, you play a part in the journey of a remarkable farmer and help sustain his family and the coffee heritage of Yemen.

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